You Rock Football Team Printable Bag Topper
Wish your football team a good luck on their next game with this printable bag topper that's perfect for a football team snack or as game treats from the team mom or booster club. Simply fill a bag with yummy Pop Rocks or Rock candy and add this bag topper for an easy party favor or team snack.
This bag topper comes in 4 different styles in a zip file. File contains a 300 dpi JPG bag topper for a 3x4 inch bag for a borderless printer, a 3x4 inch bag for a bordered printer, a page of 2.5 by 3.5 inch tags, and a bag topper for a sandwich sized bag.
Topper has a green background border and a clip art graphic of a football player. Inside border reads "You Rock!" and "Good luck".