Wednesday Thank You Birthday Candy Bar Wrapper Printable
Say thank you to your guests at your Wednesday Addams birthday party with this fun and quirky candy bar wrapper. You can print this wrapper at home and use it as a party favor or thank you card for all your sweet guests.
Candy bar wrapper has a black rectangle border down both sides with Wednesday in her dancing dress on the front. Front has Wednesday's birthday quote that reads "Another Year Closer to Death's Cold Embrace".
Back of Wrapper has Wednesday, Enid, and Thing while telling your guests "Thanks for celebrating with me!"
Candy bar wrapper comes in both JPG and PDF versions inside a zip file that can be downloaded upon completion of purchase
Inside file you will get a copy of the wrapper design with one wrapper on a printable 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper and a printable page with two wrappers on a page. You will also get a wrapper with the designs but no writing so you can upload to your favorite graphics program and add your own greeting.
Wrap this candy bar around a regular 1.5 ounce chocolate bar for a sweet thank you today.
@diypartymom Say Thank You with chocolate and Wednesday flair #wednesdayaddams #wednesdaypartytheme #wednesdayvibes #candybarwrappers ♬ Wednesday Addams TikTok - Remix - Emrah Koçoğlu