Straighten Your Crown Home Decor Printable
Some days are just rough, but fortunately you are a daughter of God. So straighten your crown and make the most of every moment with this decorative home decor printable.
Print out this beautiful sign for your home or office to help inspire you to be your best every day.
Sign has a light pink with white star background. With a purple and silver tiara on the top and beautiful writing below it will be the perfect addition to any room.
Sign is available in several sizes for you to print. You will find a 8-1/2x11, 8x10, 5x7, 4x6, 3x5, 2x3.5, and a phone wallpaper and Facebook cover photo size.
Sign reads:
Straighten your crown and remember whose Daughter you are. You are a Child of God.
Printable is available as a JPG picture file. File will be available directly upon completion of purchase in your account. You will need to unzip the file before you are able to print. Please see our FAQs if you have any questions.